Getting Started at Peaceful Warrior Wellness

Arrive a few minutes early. Your massage experience is supposed to be a relaxing and soothing experience. Please don’t come rushing in the door at 2:28 for a 2:30 appointment. Having just a few minutes to sit and unwind will make a huge difference. If you arrive in a rushed and frenzied state, it will take your body longer to relax and you may not receive the maximum benefit of your session.
Eat a light meal prior and avoid heavy, greasy meals. Trying to relax while digesting a foot-long sausage sub and fries is a bit challenging. Also, increase your water intake. Hydrated tissue responds better to manual therapy.

Since we are not an assembly line massage clinic, on your first visit you will have some health intake paperwork to fill out. Please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled time to do so. Every person is different and has different areas of stress and pain, so there are no cookie cutter massages here. Our therapists take their time to discuss your needs before every massage, so they can design a massage tailored to fit your specific needs. If you are choosing to have a postural assessment conducted, please come in, or bring, shorts and tank top or sports bra.

During Your Massage
Relax and enjoy!
Some people prefer to talk during a massage, others prefer to be quiet. Your therapist will take cues from you and follow your lead. Breathe Breathe Breathe!! All too often, people hold their breath while the therapist is working on a sensitive area or when they are feeling anxious. Slow and steady breathing is an important factor in relaxation. So, keep in mind… the more talking that you do, the less steady your breathing will be. Try not to tense up during your session. If the area that is being manipulated is sensitive or painful let the therapist know! They will adjust the pressure or technique they are using to make you more comfortable. Communication is important! Don’t be afraid to tell your therapist if you need deeper pressure, less pressure or more work in a specific area. We are good, but we do not mind readers!

Schedule your next massage! And be sure to ask about our pricing for repeat clients.
Be sure to allow some quiet time after your session. In other words, unless you are getting a pre-event sports massage, don’t go running a marathon afterwards! Give your body some time to adjust to the work that was done.
If you had a therapeutic massage, you may experience some slight tenderness in certain muscles that received work. Drink extra water! Give us a call if you are experiencing increased pain or have any questions. Avoid excess caffeine and alcohol.